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209--Modesto Breakfast PIC 1
Are you a fan of chicken fried steak? Salidas Kountry Kitchen has some of the best around. - photo by PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED

MODESTO – They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
But it can also be the tastiest.
If you’re out and about in the Modesto area, there is no shortage of places where you can grab some bacon and some eggs and a homemade take on the All-American morning meal.
The only thing you that you’ll have to do if figure out where you want to take your hunger.
Here are a few of the most popular and highest-rated places in Stanislaus County to grab a hot meal first thing in the morning:
SALIDA’S KOUNTRY KITCHEN – There’s a 99 percent chance that you’ve drive past this place a hundred times and never thought to stop. That’s probably because you didn’t know it was there, despite the fact that people drive from all over to take at their massive morning offerings that satisfy even the most extreme hunger. Are you a fan of chicken fried steak? At the Kountry Kitchen, the piece that they serve up for breakfast is larger than the size of the actual plate that it’s served on, and when coupled with eggs and hash browns and toast, it’s almost a guarantee that you’re not going to be able to finish half of it. It’s affordable and the service is good and if you’re not already on your way there, you’re missing out. 4702 Broadway Ave, Salida. 209.543.0483.
MY GARDEN CAFÉ – The good thing about this place is that it’s delicious. The great thing about is that there are three locations within 15 minutes of each other, so if you’re craving an omelet, this is the place for you. With a true downhome country feel, My Garden Café – which also has two locations in Stockton as well as one in Ripon – has all of the traditional fixings that you’d expect to find at a breakfast restaurant, but with fun twists that make it even better. Ever had an avocado and bacon omelet? It’s delicious and mouth watering and goes wonderfully with just about anything else in the restaurant. Spinach and cheese? Chocolate gravy? They have it all, and you’re not going to miss it. 3507 Tully Road, Modesto. 209.523.0184.
MR. T’S DELICATE DONUTS – The first Dunkin’ Donuts in the Northern San Joaquin Valley opened up just across the street, so that should have the death knell for this Modesto institution. But it wasn’t. On any given weekend morning you’re liable to see far more cars outside of the quaint donut shop across the street than you are at the mega-retailer that boasts both better real estate and a drive through. Maybe it’s the donuts’ fantastic taste, the fact that they’re cooked fresh, or that they put fun and tasty spins on classics such as the maple bar by adding massive chunks of cooked bacon. Expect a line when you show up because this is the worst kept secret in Modesto. But if it’s donuts that you’re looking for, there’s nowhere better than at 3507 Tully Road, Modesto. 209.522.1614.