Editor, Manteca Bulletin
Our Delta connects to the rivers or the melt from the Sierra connect to the rivers connect to the levees in the Delta to the Bay or however you want to say it. The problem is there is no way to drain off water to ease the load after a heavy rainy season. Kern River and others have taken lives this year. Our levees are stressed this year. Will they hold? Many people say they don’t want tunnels. What kind of boat do you own? Water is a very destructive force, maybe the most destructive.
Please go visit the Bay Model in Sausalito. The Army Corps of Engineers wants to finish the Delta Project. Why this became political is a mystery. Lives and property have and will be lost. Many lives can be lost it the tunnels are not finished. The levees can break if pressure on them has no way to be released. Louisiana should show the example. Another wet season for sure will drown the low lands of Northern California. Finish the Delta Project!
R. Fernandez
Finish the Delta project