The Manteca Police Department has determined that a social media threat made Thursday night against a student at Sequoia Elementary School was unfounded and not credible.
According to a release issued late Thursday night, a Facebook post was brought to their attention that announced that a school shooting targeting a specific student would take place on Friday once school concluded.
After a thorough investigation conducted with representatives from the Manteca Unified School District, the department determined that the threat was without intent, although the department did step up its presence and patrols around the school on Friday as a precaution.
“The safety and welfare of the students and staff of our schools is a top priority for the Manteca Police Department and the Manteca Unified School District,” the department said in the release. “We take these threats seriously and investigate them vigorously to assess their credibility.”
The matter is still under investigation and police are working to determine the persons responsible for making the threat at this time.
Anyone with any information about the situation at Sequoia School is encouraged to contact the Manteca Police Department at 209.456.8101.
To contact reporter Jason Campbell email or call 209.249.3544.