According to data from the Weather Channel, temperatures have been between 5 and 10 degrees higher than they usually are at this time on average, leaving temperatures hovering in the low 80s in the late afternoon and keeping the bitter cold away in the middle of the night.
But none of that matters to Rachel Rapisura.
The local hair stylist said that she’d rather have the standard overcast days that we’ve come to expect in the middle of the fall over the warm days that have seemed to be perpetual and unwavering – last week both the high and low fluctuated by only a single degree over the course of five days.
“It’s just too warm,” she said. “I’m going over to San Jose for the weekend – getting away. It’s not supposed to be like this. I’m ready for the fall weather that everybody expects this time of year.”
Read more about the upcoming weather in Thursday’s Bulletin.