Editor’s Note: Susan McCreath has been selected to participate in the Year of You, a fitness challenge hosted by The Manteca Bulletin and CORE Athletic Performance. McCreath is keeping a weekly journal, highlighting the strides and struggles of her fitness journey. These are her thoughts and feelings shared with you.
Day 223
Labor Day. Thank goodness for a day off from work and the ability to get things done around the house. The gym was closed today, but Robert was nice enough to post a workout online for everyone. I made it thru the workout, but it just doesn’t seem as intense as when you do it at the gym with him.
Day 224
High school volleyball season has begun as well as the MUST league for our junior high students in Manteca Unified. These further cut into my time, making it difficult to balance everything. I will not miss my daughters’ games and I have supervision duties at the MUST games during the evenings, and not going to bed before midnight makes it really hard to make a 5 a.m. class. Plus, I would not be able to get home and get dressed in time for work. Therefore, I am really making a conscious effort to get out of my office and walk around and visit classrooms as well as always taking the stairs and parking far away in shopping centers.
Day 225
Finally worked out tonight and the class was packed! It is such a great class and I really enjoy it … once I get there! There was a saying on “The Year of You” Facebook page today that said “the hardest step for a runner to take is the first one out the door.” Isn’t that the truth!
Day 226
I wore a skirt to work today that I eventually had to pin to keep it up! That is always a good feeling, except that I really like this skirt and don’t want to get rid of it! People are telling me that I look like I’ve lost more weight, but I haven’t weighed myself in a few weeks because I was getting really frustrated with the scale not moving. And weighing myself 10-plus times a day really isn’t productive.
Day 227
The weeks are just flying by. Here it is, already Friday again and I start to wonder where the time has gone as I get in the car to head to Oregon. We are getting much better at these road trips as I pack some protein bars and nuts for the ride.
Day 228
Oregon vs Michigan State and we have incredible seats 11 rows up from the field. The stadium is packed. I mean really packed!!! The crowd stands throughout the entire three-hour game and you literally have to turn a bit sideways to all fit in your row. This is not the place for overweight people! The only time we sit is during TV timeouts and it’s a chore fitting my butt between my daughter and the complete stranger next to me. As I’m sitting there waiting for the timeout to end, I promise myself that I will lose more weight before the next game.
Day 229
As we make our car ride back home we are amazed that we made the trip in less than eight hours today. As my husband and I discuss this fact we realize that we are making far less stops along the way at eating establishments. Before, we would stop at a restaurant or gas station if we needed the restroom and I would always buy something … sort of like payment for using their restroom. Now (like today), we stopped at rest stops where we do not have to purchase anything. Now, we are saving money and calories! Looking ahead at my calendar for the week I have penciled in my workouts!
Connect with Susan McCreath and CORE Athletic Performance trainer Robert Iniguez on the Year of You Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/theyearofyouchallenge.